Thursday, March 24, 2011

Where: Ventana Grill
When: February 2011
Idea: Using rustic looking cork stoppers in the background of a display about wine.

Road Signs

Where: Elle Magazine
When: March 2011
Idea: Using road signs with designer names on them or names of trends.  It makes people stop and look at what the signs say and the items on display in front of them.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tommy Hilfiger Display

Where: A love of visual merchandising blog
When: March 2011
Idea: A motif of tennis balls to show off the style of the American designer.  They are on the floor and and used as a chair, which could be used with any sports ball.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nordstrom Window

Where: Nordstrom window display in Santa Barbara
When: February 2011
Idea: Oversized bow to emphasize the feminine style of clothes on display